English Version | Русская версия
Дата основания: 2004
Средне-Американская епархия
Контактная информацияТелефон: +1 (419) 626-2486 Другой телефон: Факс: Эл. почта: sttikhonoc@bex.net Веб-сайт: http://www.sttikhonsandusky.org Дополнителная информацияБогослужебный язык: английский Комментарии: Located along the shore of Lake Erie, the small mission is currently meeting at the Ohio Veterans' Home, located at 3416 Columbus Ave, Sandusky, OH 44870. Visitors, Vacationers and Children welcome! Расписание богослужений: Hours and Divine Liturgy are celebrated on Saturdays at the Home. Please contact the Starosta Daniel Gildenmeister at the phone number above for exact dates. A mission parish of St Sergius Cathedral in Parma, Oh, serving a small congregation of cradle Orthodox of all nationalities and converts to the faith. |
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Дата обновления информации: 2014-12-03 18:36:16